Dave Ozzy

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Ashina: The Red Witch Review

We’re still riding that feeling - the feeling of having zero expectations, only for Ashina: The Red Witch to grab hold of our attention for hours. Ah, if only more games surprised us like this.

Embraced by Autumn Review

The intro promises some future dramatic, potentially even salacious turns, but not one of the four different stories delivers. It’s all too tentative. In the end, Embraced by Autumn could have done with just a little more confidence and sass.

Children of the Corn (2023) – Film Review

Children of the Corn (2023) is just about the least horrifying of horror movies that we’ve watched in the past few years.

Paint – Film Review

Paint has such little respect for its characters that it becomes a hard watch. Catch some Bob Ross reruns instead.

Talking Tom Candy Run Review

Talking Tom Candy Run on Xbox One is a competent endless runner and perfect as an entry-point for young players who might recognise the titular Tom. For more critical players, though, you’ll feel your hackles rise at the laziness of a free-to-play game dressed up as something paid for.

Top 10 Sports that Deserve a (Good) Video Game

There have been 27 FIFA games. 2-7. Sure, you could get all cynical and say there’s only been five or so different FIFA games, but let’s not get facetious. Now, did we really need every one of those 27? Couldn’t we have lost a ‘Road to World Cup 98’, say, and given another sport a chance? An EA Sports Kabaddi? Games companies, are you listening? Stick an Ultimate Team on these and you’re minted.

Educational Games for Kids Review

While the presentation is a little bland and the price tag is north of the value it offers, Educational Games for Children on Xbox One has been made with real care. If your kids are anything like mine, they’ll love it.

Gleamlight Review

It would have been difficult to make a case for this lightweight, unfinished game at a budget price point, but £14.99 for a game that’s a painful fart in the wind makes it a hard ‘no’. Find a copy of Bloodstained, Dead Cells, Hollow Knight or anything else, really, and you will have dodged an hour-long headache with Gleamlight on Xbox One.

Cinders Review

Approach Cinders on Xbox One with caution. If you like a bit of melodrama in your life, and the prospect of a well-crafted, alternate take on Cinderella sounds appealing, this glass slipper may well fit.

The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines Review

With a time-bending approach to the twin-stick shooter, it looked like The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines on Xbox One would be really spoiling us. Instead, we get a slow-paced example of the genre, whose best ideas never quite develop beyond its first hour.

WarriOrb Review

WarriOrb on Xbox One is hard. It is unfair. You will have to swallow that unfairness until you can find a workaround. There are undoubtedly better hardcore platformers out there. BUT, if that doesn’t dissuade you, and you’ve beaten Dead Cells, Hollow Knight, Salt & Sanctuary and the rest, then - hats off to you - there’s some charm and joy to be had in this little sphere’s adventures.

Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises Review

For a seasoned hidden object player - particularly those who feel oversaturated with the horror and fantasy themes of the Xbox One library - I can give a Kevlar-guarded recommendation. The CSI-theme suits the material well, and - while they don’t necessarily work - the innovative elements attempt to shake up a template-heavy genre. If you haven’t played a hidden object game before? It’s hard to make a case, as there are better examples from the same publisher.

The Joy of Artifex: A Week Playing Hidden Object Games

Hidden object games have never filled me with enthusiasm. Whenever one pops up in the ‘New Games’ section on the Xbox, my eye naturally scans over them and I dismiss them. Up to this point, I’d never thought critically about why, but there’s a knotty ball of reasons. So, how to approach the issue? Like any true obsessive, the only way was to dedicate a week, playing hidden object games exclusively.

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Embraced by Autumn Review

The intro promises some future dramatic, potentially even salacious turns, but not one of the four different stories delivers. It’s all too tentative. In the end, Embraced by Autumn could have done with just a little more confidence and sass.

Embrace the car culture of The Crew Motorfest

It's about going all-in and embracing the car culture of The Crew Motorfest. Start your engines - this is going to be a wild ride. 

Forza Horizon 5 Festival Playlist Weekly Challenges Guide Series 24 – Spring

The hot season has appeared in Mexico and the world of Forza Horizon 5. Are you ready to bring the virtual heat to the streets of Mexico, with a whole new bunch of events with the Festival Playlist Weekly Challenges for Series 24 Spring. 

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts – Film Review

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is definitely a better movie than the original non-Energon Transformers saga, but also a less exciting one.

Call of the Wild: The Angler Review

When all the aspects of Call of the Wild: The Angler come together, the resulting mix is actually a pleasant place to spend a few hours.

Latest Reviews

Immortals of Aveum Review

Immortals of Aveum should be praised for its original concept, writing, and new world-building. It's a new franchise that is brave.

XEL Review

For the good - the visuals, audio, navigation of paths and occasional combat moments - there are tens of things in XEL that will hold you back.

The Isle Tide Hotel Review

If you're an FMV fan then you're going to enjoy a lot of what The Isle Tide Hotel has to offer. But just remember - don’t ever leave your room at night. 

Childish Energy Review – the cool kids on the energy drinks block

Childish Energy must impress to get the likes of Sneak Energy and G Fuel turning their heads. Read on for our thoughts on the latest guests to the energy drinks party.

Mirrored Souls Review

Mirrored Souls does get frustrating at times and it will test your patience with every turn, but there is a lot to love here.